My girl, my girl, don't lie
to me
Tell me where did you
sleep last night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever
I would shiver the whole
night through
My girl, my girl, where
will you go
I'm going where the cold
wind blows
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever
I would shiver the whole
night through
Her husband, was a hard
working man
Just about a mile from
His head was found in a
driving wheel
But his body never was
My girl, my girl, don't lie
to me
Tell me where did you
sleep last night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever
I would shiver the whole
night through
My girl, my girl, where
will you go
I'm going where the cold
wind blows
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever
I would shiver the whole
night through
My girl, my girl, don't lie
to me
Tell me where did you
sleep last night
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever
I would shiver the whole
night through
My girl, my girl, where
will you go
I'm going where the cold
wind blows
In the pines, in the pines
Where the sun don't ever
I would shiver the whole
night through
Lyrics by kurt cobain..
Pelik kalau dikaji lirik² kurt ni... Memang lain dr yg lain.. Kurt pun memang manusia yg agak pelik.. Kelainan dia yg membuatkan dia popular..
Masa kecik² kurt ada imaginary frenz.. Boddah.. Untuk membuang 'boddah' ni parents kurt ckp kat kurt yg 'boddah' ni ikot pak sedaranya gi vietnam..
May 1985 kurt keje sbg tukang cuci kat YMCA.. Juga keje sebagai 'lifeguard' kat situ.. Pernah buat grafiti kat bangunan tu.. Dan dia jugak yg kena cuci grafiti tu..
1984 kurt nyaris join navy.. Dia tarik diri last minute
Kurt suka binatang.. Pernah kurung kucing dia dlm chimney sampai mati.. Pernah terpijak kepala tikus peliharaan dia, arwah jugak tikus tu.. Pernah jugak dia kalerkan anak kucing dia ngan kaler merah, biru dan putih.. Pastu dia tengok arnab dia nama stew mengawan ngan kucing yg dia warnakan tu.. Heheh..
Kurt pandai melukis.. Pada lukisan yg dia lukis dia akan taruk 'secret ingredient..' air duit dia..(pidah gwa pinjam kata gantinama ni okeh?) Hahah..
Selalunya kalau dia check in kat hotel dia akan guna nama Simon Ritchie.. X tau sape sim0n? Sid vicious tau? Org yg sama la tu..
Sehari selepas anak dia dilahirkan, kurt mencadang kpd courtney (wife) supaya mereka membunuh diri.. Kurt letak pistol .38 kat kepala dia, courtney ambik pistol tu then ckp kat kurt 'let me die 1st' kurt x sampai hati.. X jd double suicide..
1979 pakcik kurt, burle cobain bunuh diri.. Tembak kat bdn ngan kepala
1984 atok dia, james irving bunuh diri.. Tikam diri sendiri..
Pada umur 15 thn kurt buat filem bertajuk 'kurt commit bloody suicide'
Sebelum bunuh diri kurt dgr lg R.E.M bertajuk 'automatic for the people'
Meninggalkan 3 nota bunuh diri.. Untuk wife n anak.. Untuk fans.. Dan untuk kawan khayalan dia.. Boddah..
Meh tgk artworks fiddle tim..

Bleh jugakklik sini kalau nak tgk yg besar punya gambar..
So sape fiddle tim? Fiddle tim baru 17 tahun.. Fiddle tim ni juz nama samaran je..
Ni gambar fiddle tim dlm majalah elle tahun 2006.. Dia pakai cardigan n seluar pyjama ayah dia..

Ayah dia kurt cobain.. Nama sebenar fiddle tim ialah Frances Bean Cobain..

Sama mcm gwa.. Ske pakai tshirt band.. U rawks frances.. Hahah..