Kamben da kena ikat.. Lembu dah byk kena k0rban.. Es0k raya.. Bz.. Bz.. Bz.. Adk beradik xde s0rang pun yg blk lg.. Aku la yg sibuk 'kusana kumari' nak prepare utk es0k.. Dia0rg sibuk.. Keje.. Xpe.. Aku paham.. Aku cuma sediakan bhn2 utk es0k je.. Malam ni bleh masak sama2 ngan adk beradik aku.. Semuanya nak kena siap arini.. Kuih.. Daging.. Ketupat.. Ikan nak wat kuah laksa.. Ulam2 laksa.. Adeh.. Sempat ke? Ber'blogging' sempat.. 4 sure la sempat sediakan semua k0t? Jgn kakak2 aku blk es0k sudah ar.. Kering aku duk dapur s0rang2..
.. Blk la cpt kakak2 ku.. Sian la adk b0ngsu kakak neh..
Mak dah x leh nak wat pape dah.. Semalam dlm kul 3 pg dia jat0h lg masa nak buang air.. Nasib baek xde pape.. Ishk.. Kepada 2 0rg polower aku neh aku nak ucapkan selamat ari raya haji.. Salam aidil adha wat k0 kun(superdukun) n wat cik kiekie..
Sama2 la kte hayati erti qurban ni.. Salam aidil adha dr aku wat semua.. Jemp0t ar dtg rumah..
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Salam Aidiladha..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/26/2009 10:59:00 AM 0 whooperz
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
( - HTTP
PROXY PORT (8080) -
( - MMS
PROXY PORT (8080) -
MMS SERVER (http://
(60) - SHADOW
(http://3g.celcom.net.my) /
NUMBER (123)
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/25/2009 08:23:00 PM 0 whooperz
Lap0r.. Nak mkn pr0sperity burger.. Teng0k kat tv td.. Teringin sgt2.. Adeh.. Ngalahkan 0wg ngandung la plak..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/25/2009 06:09:00 PM 0 whooperz
Friday, November 20, 2009
The differential
diagnosis of cough is
best developed with
the use of anatomy.
Cough may arise from
an irritative focus
anywhere along the
respiratory tract. The
irritation may be
intrinsic, in which case
it is usually
neoplastic, or toxic, or
it may be extrinsic, in
which case it is often
neoplastic or vascular..
1. Intrinsic irritation.
Pharyngitis, whether
due to virus,
streptococcus, or
diphtheria, is a
common cause of
cough. Hypertrophied
tonsils or adenoids
may also initiate the
cough reflex. Other
pharyngeal causes are
angioneurotic edema,
leukemia, and
agranulocytosis. The
esophagus is an
extrinsic cause of
cough in most cases,
but a
fistula from
esophageal carcinoma
or reflux esophagitis
with repeated
aspiration of
hydrochloric acid
(HCl) may cause a
chronic cough..(mcm baca c0ding je.. Xpe2 truskan membaca.. Hehe.. Ntah apa alien yg ada lg pasal bat0k neh.. Sambung2..)
Diverticula (drakula? Hahaha) of the
esophagus (asparagus.. Ala yg 0wg wat sayur tu ar..) may press
on the trachea and
cause a cough.
2. In the larynx, the
numerous infections
of the pharynx
discussed above may
irritate the cough
centers but, in
addition, laryngeal
polyps, (polypipe.. 0wg x pakai paip besi dah skrg.. Guna p0ly.. X karat) tuberculosis,
and trauma from
overuse are important
causes. The more
common causes of
cough, especially a
nonproductive cough,
are in the
tracheobronchial (sejenis makhluk asing yg menyerupai berudu..)
area. Numerous
viruses cause
especially influenza,
but bacterial causes
such as whooping(hekhek.. Ada gak yg mcm nama bl0g ni..)
cough should always
be considered.
Tuberculosis and
carcinoma (sedara dekat makcik n0rmah) are
important here, as
are toxic gases such
as chlorine and
cigarette smoke.
whether congenital (genital2 ni mencar0t ar ni.. Jgn sebut dpn budak2) or
acquired, and the
associated postnasal (nama asal pejabat p0st)
drip from chronic
sinusitis must not be
forgotten. A search
for asthma is
important in areas
with high pollen
3. In the alveoli, in
addition to
tuberculosis, and
metastatic), several
new etiologies are
added. Thus,
pulmonary embolism,
parasites, fungi (such
as actinomycosis),
and autoimmune
diseases (i.e.,
Wegener granuloma)
should be included.
4. Extrinsic irritation.
The extrinsic causes
are mainly from the
structures of the
especially the heart.
A large heart from
congestive heart
failure or a single
chamber (nama gelaran member aku masa kecik.. C0z tinger dia ada kelainan sket..kite0rg panggey dia chamber) enlargement
(as in mitral stenosis)
may compress the
bronchus and
recurrent laryngeal
nerve and cause a
cough. Pericarditis,(tok m0yang ibu peri dlm cite ind0n)
aortic aneurysms, and
rings are other
cardiovascular causes.
Finally, other
structures in the
mediastinum (menda ni sedap diminum dgn ais.. Sila pesan digerai berhampiran) such as a
substernal thyroid, a
large lymph node
from Hodgkin disease,
and occasionally a
dermatoid cyst must
be considered.
Trauma can lead to a
cough whether it hits
the lung,
mediastinum, or
Hahaha.. Guane? Tentu lidah anda sudah bertambah sihat setelah membaca entry pasal bat0k ni kan? Hahaha..
P/s : sayangi lidah anda.. Anda perlukan lidah untuk byk perkara.. :p
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/20/2009 05:56:00 PM 0 whooperz
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Surat dr ex-perokok tegar..
Nama saye dulu Din
(bukan name
sebenar), saye mati ni
sebab rokok. Tadi
saye tulis warkah ini
khas untuk anak-anak
nage sekalian. Saye
mule merokok ketika
usia 12 dan mati
sebab rokok pada usia
24. Dulu, saye anak
nage part time je,
lebih kurang 2 batang
sehari, tapi lepas 2
tahun berkecimpung
secara aktif, saye
menjadi pro dan mula
menelan 5 batang
rokok sejam dan
memenangi anugerah
perokok pantas sedunia
dengan rekod 1.779
batang seminit..
Selain itu, saye juga
memenangi anugerah
gudang garam tahun
1999 dan anugerah
dunhill 2001 untuk
pembelian rokok
terbanyak dalam
masa 12 jam. Pada
tahun 2002, saye
mendapat tempat
kedua anugerah mild
seven untuk asap
paling tebal.
Namun, pada tahun
2004, saye menemui
ajal dalam acara
marathon sambil
mengasap bandar kl
anjuran malboro,
tetapi saya dilanggar
trak pengangkut lucky
strike yang datang
dari batu pahat
menuju ke baling.
Disebabkan oleh
kesan pelanggaran
yang kuat hingga
memecahkan kepala,
paru-paru, jantung,
dan otak saye, saye
mati di tempat
kejadian. Jadi, nasihat
saye, jangan merokok
sambil berlari, sekian.
Yang benar,
din nage
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/18/2009 06:23:00 PM 0 whooperz
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Kara0ke lagi..
Lps test keta td.. G kara0ke plak.. Aku, aj0e, cux, abg ngan lan.. Cux je yg byk nyanyi.. C0z dia memang best n pandai nyanyi..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/15/2009 06:06:00 PM 0 whooperz
Sesi 'ngetest' turbo
Baru je g test kete td.. Hampir xcident.. Nsb baek.. Kalau x mawnya aku kena beli keta kat atas tu.. Engine turb0.. Tp brake system mcm hampeh.. Dah dipam pun kete masih gerak lg..
Mayb servo 0r pist0n tersumbat k0t.. Engine ok.. Turbo td05.. Gear sh0rtshift.. Byk gak performance part yg dah masuk dlm engine.. Piping dalam engine superb..
Brake je yg fail keta ni.. Dr harga 14k.. Tuan keta sanggup letgo keta ngan harga 10k.. Dah bleh la tu.. Cuma baiki brake je.. Dpt 'cucuk angin' evo 3 en zul pun jadi la.. Har har har...
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/15/2009 04:51:00 PM 0 whooperz
Test lg.. Hah.. Ni mcm ke wat signature? Adeh.. Ape kez signature duk kat atas..
Pas ni tiap p0sting aku akn ada menatang signature neh..
Tp ada border line la plak kat signature tu.. X law0 ar.. Pening2..
Nanti2 ar aku adjust la plak signature neh.. 0rg laen ada signature aku pun sibuk nak ada signature.. Hahaha.. Ni hah ada satu lg signature kat bwh ni.. Hahaha.. Atas bawah ada.. Bikin laen sket dr bl0g laen.. Har har har..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/15/2009 11:09:00 AM 0 whooperz
Friday, November 13, 2009
Siapa yg tidak marah pd masa sepatutnya dia marah itu kaldai & siapa yg tidak menghapuskan kemarahannya pada ketika dia mampu utk itu, dia adalah syaitan
P/s : msg ni aku dpt dr channelC (celcom)..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/13/2009 11:40:00 AM 0 whooperz
friday the 13th!
"Is Friday the 13th Bad
for Your Health?"
With the aim of
mapping "the relation
between health,
behaviour, and
surrounding Friday
13th in the United
Kingdom," its authors
compared the ratio of
traffic volume to the
number of automobile
accidents on two
different days, Friday
the 6th and Friday the
13th, over a period of
Incredibly, they found
that in the region
sampled, while
consistently fewer
people chose to drive
their cars on Friday
the 13th, the number
of hospital admissions
due to vehicular
accidents was
significantly higher
than on "normal"
Fridays. Their
"Friday 13th is unlucky
for some. The risk of
hospital admission as
a result of a transport
accident may be
increased by as much
as 52 percent. Staying
at home is
— people afflicted
with a morbid,
irrational fear of
Friday the 13th —
should be pricking up
their ears about now,
buoyed by seeming
evidence that the
source of their unholy
terror may not be so
irrational after all.
But it's unwise to take
solace in a single
scientific study,
especially one so
peculiar. I suspect
these statistics have
more to teach us
about human
psychology than the
ill-fatedness of any
particular date on the
Friday the 13th, 'the
most widespread
The sixth day of the
week and the number
13 both have
reputations said to
date from ancient
times, and their
inevitable conjunction
from one to three
times a year (there
happen to be three
such occurrences in
2009, two of them
right in a row)
portends more
misfortune than some
credulous minds can
bear. According to
some sources it's the
most widespread
superstition in the
United States today.
Some people refuse to
go to work on Friday
the 13th; some won't
eat in restaurants;
many wouldn't think
of setting a wedding
on the date.
How many Americans
at the turn of the new
millennium actually
suffer from this
condition? According
to Dr. Donald Dossey,
a psychotherapist
specializing in the
treatment of phobias
(and coiner of the
also spelled
the figure may be as
high as 21 million. If
he's right, at least
eight percent of
Americans are still in
the grips of a very old
Exactly how old is
difficult to say,
because determining
the origins of
superstitions is an
inexact science, at
best. In fact, it's
mostly guesswork.
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/13/2009 10:47:00 AM 0 whooperz
C0nspiracy the0ry..
2 Personen mit 1 Herzen? Oder vielleicht 1 Person mit zwei Anzüglichkeiten? Wie Dr jekyl n Herr hyde? Bezüglich jetzt.. Ich werde das Spiel spielen, das Sie mit Ihren Regeln spielen.. Ich kann die 'Ratte' sein..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/13/2009 09:58:00 AM 0 whooperz
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Memories remain..
If I
Should stay
I would only be in
your way
So I'll go
But I know
I'll think of you every
step of
the way
And I...
Will always
Love you, oohh
Will always
Love you
My darling you
That is all I'm taking
with me
So good-bye
Please don't cry
We both know I'm not
what you
You need
And I...
Will always love you
Will always love you
You, ooh
I hope
life treats you kind
And I hope
you have all you've
dreamed of
And I wish you joy
and happiness
But above all this
I wish you love
And I...
Will always love you
Will always love you
I, I will always love
Darling I love you
I'll always
I'll always
i miss you so much..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/10/2009 03:51:00 PM 0 whooperz
Monday, November 09, 2009
Tengah pekena s0mtam kat jalan makbar.. Sedap.. Kalau kat rumah aku da hirup kuah dia guna pinggan tu.. Har har har..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/09/2009 10:14:00 PM 0 whooperz
A police officer pulls
over a speeding car.
The officer says, I
clocked you at 80
miles per hour,
sir.”The driver says,
“Gee, officer I had it
on cruise control at
60, perhaps your
radar gun needs
Not looking up from
her knitting the wife
says: “Now don’t be
silly dear, you know
that this car doesn’t
have cruise
control.”As the officer
writes out the ticket,
the driver looks over
at his wife and growls,
“Can’t you please
keep your mouth shut
for once?”
The wife smiles
demurely and says,
“You should be
thankful your radar
detector went off
when it did.”As the
officer makes out the
second ticket for the
illegal radar detector
unit, the man glowers
at his wife and says
through clenched
teeth, “Darn it,
woman, can’t you
keep your mouth
The officer frowns
and says, “And I
notice that you’re not
wearing your seat
belt, sir. That’s an
automatic $75
fine.”The driver says,
“Yeah, well, you see
officer, I had it on, but
took it off when you
pulled me over so
that I could get my
license out of my back
The wife says, “Now,
dear, you know very
well that you didn’t
have your seat belt
on. You never wear
your seat belt when
you’re driving.”
And as the police
officer is writing out
the third ticket the
driver turns to his
wife and barks, “WHY
The officer looks over
at the woman and
asks, “Does your
husband always talk
to you this way,
U'll love this part....
'Only when he's been
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/09/2009 06:25:00 PM 0 whooperz
Saturday, November 07, 2009
My Fobulous Cat!
Ini kucing saya.. Hari2 saya kasi kucing saya makan.. Kucing saya xde nama.. Saya juz panggey dia 'me0oww' saje.. Anggap la tu nama kucing saya.. Kucing saya ke ni? Ntah la.. Yg sy taw kucing ni dah lama ada kat rumah saya.. Sayang ke saya kat kucing saya ni? Ntah la jugak.. Kekadang sayang.. Kekadang x.. Kalau dia wat p0se2 manja mcm kat atas tu sy rasa sayang ar.. Tapi time dia geget anak newb0rn dia sampai mati dpn saya, saya rasa mcm nak sepak kucing sy tu mcm b0la.. Mcm 0rg sepak tendangan penalti yg sudah tentu akan 'g0oll' tp nasib baek la hari dia berkelakuan 'keperibinatangan' tu, dia bijak mel0loskan dirinya.. Walaupun saya rasa larian sy da mcm usin bolt.. Tp kucing sy tu lari lg laju.. Ajal dia blum sampai lg k0t.. Sekian saje crita kucing saya..
N0ta kaki saya :
Rungutan yg bakal sy terima 'eleh.. Pasey kucing pun nak masuk dlm bl0g'
Jawapan saya.. 'lantak saya la.. Kucing saya.. Bl0g saya.. Saya punya pasey ar..' uwekKz! BrRrr..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/07/2009 01:22:00 PM 0 whooperz
Malaysian League Final!
Sape yg akan jd juara malam ni? Aku rasa kelantan.. Tahun ni kelantan maen bgs.. Walau byk isu dgn keganasan pen0nt0n.. Team kelantan memang layak ke final malam ni... Mana nak p0rt malam ni ek? Mesti kedai minum yg ada skrin bes0r.. Mintak2 x ujan la malam ni...
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/07/2009 09:40:00 AM 0 whooperz
Friday, November 06, 2009
BrRr.. Kenal mamat kat atas neh? Nama dia charles bukeko.. Mesti k0rang penah tgk dia ni.. Selalu kuar kat tv skrg.. Ape kez? Kes nya 'BrRrr..' iklan c0ke yg latest tu la..
Kalau aku g kedai n aku ckp 'BrRr..' sambil g0yang2 bdn aku ni.. Agak2 bleh dpt c0ke free x? Har har har..
Papepun iklan c0ke yg baru ni memang best..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/06/2009 10:07:00 PM 0 whooperz
friday im in love..
I don't care if
Monday blue
Tuesday's grey and
Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care
about you
It's Friday, I'm in love
Monday you can fall
Tuesday, Wednesday
break my heart
Oh, Thursday doesn't
even start
It's Friday I'm in love
Saturday, wait
And Sunday always
comes too late
But Friday, never
I don't care if
Mondays black
Tuesday, Wednesday -
heart attack
Thursday, never
looking back
It's Friday, I'm in love
Monday, you can hold
your head
Tuesday, Wednesday
stay in bed
Or Thursday - watch
the walls instead
It's Friday, I'm in love
Saturday, wait
And Sunday always
comes too late
But Friday, never
Dressed up to the
It's a wonderful
To see your shoes and
your spirits rise
Throwing out your
And just smiling at the
And as sleek as a
Spinning round and
Always take a big bite
It's such a gorgeous
To see you eat in the
middle of the night
You can never get
Enough of this stuff
It's Friday, I'm in love
I don't care if
Monday's blue
Tuesday's grey and
Wednesday too
Thursday I don't care
about you
It's Friday, I'm in love
Monday you can fall
Tuesday, Wednesday
break my heart
Thursday doesn't even
It's Friday I'm in love
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/06/2009 07:10:00 PM 0 whooperz
Pg2 lg dpt call dr dak kecik dr pekan.. Katanya eksiden.. Adeh.. Setau aku dak kecik ni xde lesen.. Lama gak dia call aku.. Ngadu pasal kete dia.. Dia kata eksiden ngan cina.. Cina tu kasi dia seribu.. Cina tu x taw ke dak kecik tu xde lesen.. Hehe.. Aku pesan kat dia suh dia up lg ngan cina tu.. Bleh ar tuka fender n b0net carb0n.. Haha.. Nex tym hati2 ar miza.. K0 tu xde lesen.. Diz tym u g0t lucky gurl.. Nex tym? Wh0 kn0ws..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/06/2009 10:47:00 AM 0 whooperz
Thursday, November 05, 2009
Google store
Mari2 beli baju.. Murah2.. Td aku ter.. Klik kat g0ogle st0re.. Byk gak barang2 yg dijual kat ctu.. 0kay gak barang2 g0ogle neh..
Yg aku ske baju g0ogle ni sebab warnanya itam.. Aku memang ske baju2 itam neh..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/05/2009 06:47:00 PM 0 whooperz
Prktaan (BYE) adalah
jarum sulit kristian yg
brmksud dbawah
naungan pope
[paderi]. Jgn gunakan
(A'KUM) krna ia
brmksud (BINATANG)
dlm bhsa ibrani
brmksud (CELAKA
AWAK). Atau apa2
sja melainkan
(Assalamualaikum) &
Gunakan (SALAM)
wlupun utk singkatan
sama2lah kita
betulkan diri dari
dosa yg x
disengajakan! Send
msg ini pda saudara2
islam kita yg lain..!
S0urce : Arenawap.org
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/05/2009 04:13:00 PM 0 whooperz
My menu f0r t0day..
Xde ape yg istimewa ari ni.. Menu ni je.. Mas0k lem0k pisang mude ngang ikang masing, g0reng ikang tambang pastu wat samba(bukang h0k nari2 tuh.. Ni samba h0k wak cic0h2 tu) seket... Ni kire secret recipe m0k aku la ni.. Suke sgt dia ngang masakang
Macang gini.. Dar0h tinggi.. Kecing manih dia da 0k.. Tu asek n0k makang lem0k je lately.. Kalu aku mas0k h0k rebuh2 die kata x lalu.. X selera.. Papelah la my dearest mummy.. Hekhek.. Sumtimes i d0 called her by dat name.. N dia trus x panggil aku dah lepas tu.. Menyampah katanya.. Hahaha... Hurm.. Nape ek ada l0ghat ganu td? Xde pape maksud ar.. Juz 1 ayat yg aku tertambah 'g' td.. S0 aku decided nak tambah semua g yg sepat0tnya ada g mengik0t l0ghat ganu.. Kawan 0rang pahang jati weih.. Hehe..
Teringat aku pd 1 cite 5-6 taun lepas... Masa tu aku mkn ngan 2 0rg kawan kat temerl0h.. Dah selesai mkn s0rang kawan tu tanya.. 'sape n0k bay0r neh?' aku jawab 'ntah ler' dia reply ' kalau xde sape n0k bay0r kte pakat2 bas0h pinggang la kat dap0r!' aku jawab lg.. ' x y0h sus0h2 g dap0r basuh pinggang.. G kat sinki tu je.. Basuh je pinggang kat ctu..' sambil mengg0s0k pinggang(bukan pinggan ek..) aku..
Kawan aku tu trus cubit aku.. Muka masam.. Hahahaha.. ErR.. Cubit? Kawan aku? Ahh.. Lupekan.. Dia pempuan.. Mmg ske cubit2.. Xde niat nak mempersendakan l0ghat ganu.. Jiran aku belah kanan kedah.. Kiri kelantan.. Dpn trengganu.. S0 aku dah terbiasa ngan l0ghat kat malaysia neh..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/05/2009 01:01:00 PM 0 whooperz
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/01/2009 10:29:00 PM 0 whooperz
Bulan wat magic?
Tengah sy0k minum kat kedai td tiba tep0n aj0e dapat msg.. Aj0e trus kuar dr kedai then dia teng0k ke langit.. Ape ke halnya plak dak aj0e neh? Buang tebiat ke? Teng0k ape malam2 ni kat langit.. Aku ngan sery bi0rkan je.. Tp dia trus gak teng0k2 langit.. Aku x puas ati.. Aku pun kuar jugak tgk.. Semua 0rg kat kedai tu heran teng0k kami berdua.. Actualy ada satu kejadian yg agak menarik terjadi kat bulan.. Ada 'ring' kat keliling bulan.. Bukan yg mcm gerhana tu.. 'ring' ni besar.. Besar sangat2.. Tentu ada penjelasan saintifik disebalik kejadian neh.. 0r it juz an0ther 'sign'? Last2 semakin ramai yg kuar dr kedai tu nak tgk langit.. Satu pemandangan yg jarang dpt dilihat.. 0r mayb 0rg laen da penah tgk.. Juz aku je k0t yg x penah.. Allahuakbar.. Indahnya ciptaanNya..
P/s : mintak maap ler.. Gamb0r aku snap guna kamera enp0n buruk aku je.. S0 x nampak la 'ring' tu.. Titik putih yg k0rang nampak tu = bulan.. Heheh..
ni gamb0r yg aku pinjam kat en g0ogle.. Kejadian bulan semalam lebih kurang mcm gini ar..
Whooped by Whoopz @ 11/01/2009 03:01:00 AM 0 whooperz